Doctors appointments
We now offer a service where a Doctor can call you after surgery hours, the time ranges from 6pm till 10pm, 3 weekdays a week changing on a weekly basis. Please note that this will not be with your usual Doctor.
Musculoskeletal Specialists
We offer a musculoskeletal specalist for our patients with new injuries, or aches and pains. The service runs on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the time ranges from 6:30pm till 9pm and on a Saturday the time is between 9am till 5pm. This starts as a telephone triage and if the MSK specialist feels like they need to see you they will book you a further appointment at Warren Lane Surgery.
Nursing Appointments
Nursing clinics are being offered at the Warren Lane Surgery by appointment only and the time range is 8:30am till 12:30pm, for those patients with long term medical conditions needing a review. Please note the type of appointment offered will depend upon the indivdual nurses specaility, currently we are offering smears and asthma reviews.
Structured Medication Review
For patients on regular medication where a structured review with an expert is essential, we are now offering a service on Saturdays. This is from 9 am – 1pm where your medication will be discussed over the telephone.
Please ask the Receptionists for further information.